FEED (Exhibiton View, Kunstmuseum Winterthur, 2021)
Michael Etzensperger & Mateo Hurtado
2021, 11:21min, HD, color, single channel

Camera/Edit: Michael Etzensperger
Sound: Mateo Hurtado

How close do you need to get to be part of it? The screen of a mobile phone was filmed through a microscope while a social media feed was open. Also the soundtrack is based on audiosamples from the same source. An abstract journey to and through the landscape of the smallest entities of our digital images.

Michael Etzensperger, born in 1982 in Winterthur, Switzerland, holds a degree from ZHdK (BA in Art and Media, focus Photography) and a MFA (Institut Kunst, FHNW Basel) in fine Arts. He has participated in various group and solo exhibitions in Switzerland and abroad. Michael Etzenspergers filmic work is usually non narrative with a strong tendency into abstraction.

Mateo Hurtado, born 1985 in Switzerland, is a graphic designer, illustrator and creator of electronic music. After studying illustration and fine arts, he developed an interest in techno and experimental music with an intuitive and analogue character. Deeply inspired by the surrealist movement, obscure symbolism and ritualistic incantations, his music seeks to invoke hidden, impossible images and bring to light the indecipherable messages buried in the unconscious.

Vimeo PW: 2021

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